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Hey There

 On this page, you can find our current news with any information you might be looking for.

 The News

April 9, 2024


Big Wood Canal Company will begin Magic Reservoir controlled releases Monday morning (4/8).  There will be water in the Big Wood River channel likely through the rest of the season until late September. Water will likely also be in the Richfield Canal and Jim Byrne Slough in the Richfield area some time after 4/9.  Water will be released into the Milner/Gooding Canal at Dietrich sometime after 4/11.  American Falls Reservoir District will start flushing canals in the Gooding area from 4/18 to 4/22.  Irrigation deliveries will start in the Gooding area on 4/25 


January 12, 2024


The February Board Meeting will be moved from February 1 to February 2.  The meeting will be 9:30 for the BWCC and 1:15 for AFRD2. 



December 28, 2023 


The regularly scheduled monthly board meeting set for January 2nd has been moved to January 4th.  BWCC will start at 9:00 a.m. and AFRD2 will join at 11:00 a.m. for the presentation of the audit.  After the audit is complete, AFRD2 will continue with its monthly meeting.  The BWCC Annual meeting will be held Tuesday January 9th starting at 10:00 a.m. at the BWCC/AFRD2 office board room.  Stay tuned for agendas for both monthly board meetings and the BWCC Annual Meeting.


September 22., 2023 


In light of the recent/ongoing precipitation, Magic Reservoir will start its shut-off early.  The canals in Richfield will likely be dry sometime on or before 9/25.  Stock water will continue to run to Dietrich from the LIttle Wood River.


September 15, 2023


Magic deliveries to North Shoshone will stop on Wednesday 9/20, but deliveries can be made at farm headgates as long as water is in the ditch.  Drain down in that area usually takes 1 to 2 days.  Full supply will also stop to Dietrich on 9/20, but some partial deliveries will still be made in that tract using water from the Little Wood River.  Be sure to contact Harold Cook to get on the first come first served list for deliveries after 9/20.  Partial deliveries to Dietrich will continue from 9/20 until freeze-up prevents delivery.  Deliveries to Richfield will continue until 9/25 at which time deliveries from Magic will cease.  Water can still be delivered after 9/25 if water is in the ditch.  Drain down in that area may take 1 to 2 days after the dam is shut off.  Deliveries under the American Falls/Gooding Milner system will continue until sometime around 10/10.  Be sure to remain in contact with your ditch rider to ensure consistent deliveries throughout the system.   

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September 6, 2023


The Big Wood Canal Company Board decided to wait on setting a shut-off date.  They will discuss the matter again on September 15th.  The American Falls Reservoir District #2 has set a tentative shut off date for October 10th.  If you decide to shut off at your personal head gates, please inform your ditch rider, so that they can make changes accordingly. 


August 3, 2023


BWCC board members are considering shutting deliveries from Magic Reservoir off when storage levels reach 80,000 acre-feet.  At current use and average run-in, we will reach 80,000 acre-feet sometime near September 22nd.  More specific decisions will likely be made at the September 1 board meeting.  AFRD2 will continue deliveries until sometime between October 10th and the 15th.



June 28, 2023


Based on the decreasing inflows into Magic Reservoir, we will be on Magic storage sometime between June 29th and July 3rd.  100% deliveries will begin no later than Monday, July 3rd.  Ditch riders will be contacting any users who are diverting more than 100%.  Be sure to contact your ditch rider 48 hours in advance for a turn-off or on and 24 hours in advance for a lateral move.


June 19, 2023


The last row of boards has been installed at Magic Dam. Inflows and Outflows are somewhat matched at around 2200 cfs. When flows reach 900 to 1,000 cfs, we will be nearing 100% delivery and 150% deliveries will be discontinued. Be sure to always give your ditch rider 48 hours for on or off and 24 hours if you need to move from one lateral to another.



June 7, 2023


Magic Reservoir reached 191,500 acre-feet this morning which is considered a full reservoir.  Reservoir levels may go up or down over the next one to two weeks as inflows change and outflows are adjusted accordingly.  Currently, we are still running on extra water in the Big Wood system, so we are not using Magic Reservoir storage and 150% delivery can be granted if requested.  Notice will be given through these media releases when excess water is no longer available and delivery amounts go back to 100%.  



May 25, 2023 10:15 a.m.


BWCC is currently in a balancing act of trying to control flood flows, but also avoid excessive pressures on Magic Dam.  To avoid excessive pressure on the dam, we have left boards out of the spillway.  Because of this, flows in the Big Wood Channel will be rising over the next few days.



May 20, 2023 6:00 a.m.

The Milner Gooding Canal broke upstream from the Dietrich area.  Work crews are en route at this time to repair the damage.  Flows in the South Gooding area will be reduced through May 20th and possibly through the 21st.  We will keep the public informed as we know more.



May 20, 2023 7:30 a.m.


Due to the size of the break in the Milner Gooding Canal, both the North and South sides of Gooding will likely be out of the water through May 20th and possibly the 21st.  We will keep the public informed as we know more.  










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